
This page is dedicated 100% to my racing partners.

MOMO UK has become a major parter, and will be an integral part to the pursuit of the championship this year! MOMO has provided full racing gear, as part of the deal. For 2013, MOMO UK has all your racing gear needs, from steering wheels, to flame proof balaclavas. 100% made in Italy, quality clothing is what they do best. Visit their website, and take a look at their brilliant product range!

-pictures of car and self sporting MOMO logos to come-

GOODbox Gauges:

GOODbox is a Washington, USA, based company that makes car data accessible, without the hassle of adding lots of extra gear. It lets you see your data on the standard screen in your Mazda, making monitoring your boost and other such information cooler, and a little more subtle, than a giant gauge glued to the dashboard.

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